King Kong (1976): Taking the place of the Meat-Eater dinosaur and Elasmosaurus he fought in the original, Kong has a tussle with an enormous boa constrictor. King Kong Escapes: Kong defends the human protagonists from a giant sea snake as they're trying to leave Mondo Island. A reoccurring foe in King Kong films (second only to the T-Rexpy):. After traveling the countryside and feeding on woodland animals for a few years, it's grown enormously and appears to be as large as a reticulated python. Seth was created from the genes of a king cobra and a diamondback rattlesnake, both of which are medium-sized snakes. Gods of Egypt: Two fire-breathing giant cobras appear during one scene. The main antagonist, Buraki, is a two-hundred foot long cobra who seeks to usurp the good Imoogi's ascension for himself. D-War: The Imoogi are a mythical race of gigantic snakes in Korean Mythology that surface everyone 500 years, the most virtuous of them all evolving into dragons. One of the monsters released in the Purge scene in The Cabin in the Woods is a giant cobra that is seen eating a facility employee whole. The Jungle Book (2016): In this film, Kaa the Python is depicted as being so massive that her body is draped all over the tree, and she could easily fit Mowgli in her mouth, which is fitting, seeing as she tries to eat him before Baloo intervenes. Guess what? They're all about giant snake monsters.
The SyFy Channel Original Movies, Boa (of prehistoric origin), Python (of genetically engineered origin), and the inevitable crossover Boa vs.The Prince still manage to win by biting, successfully drinking the Snake's blood in the process. The Prince eventually finds the Red Sacred Snake in the mountains, only to realize its an absolute behemoth some hundred of meters long anf large enough to attempt swallowing the Prince alive. In the kung fu movie The Battle Wizard, Prince Tuan Yu must learn the skill of the Yin Yang Finger by drinking the blood of the Red Sacred Snake.While the snake from the first Anaconda movie is a downplayed example - being a fully-grown anaconda native to the Amazon big enough to pose a threat to humans - the snakes present in Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid and onward are more straight forward examples, the second movie having snakes that have been made massive from exposure to the blood orchid and through scientific experimentation with black orchids in the third and fourth movie.Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dartz's trump card is the Divine Serpent Geh, which takes the form of an immeasurably large snake, although most of its body is concealed by the dark vortex it emerges from.While Melascula "The Faith" in The Seven Deadly Sins normally appears as a human-like woman, her true form is that of a giant white cobra, having been a normal snake that was turned into a giant demon when she found herself in the Demon Realm.
Panzer World Galient: In episode 2, the chamber where Galient is kept is guarded by a giant serpent, who constricts Prince Joldy in an attempt to swallow him alive until Asbeth arrives and hacks the serpent's head off.During the Chunin Exams Arc, giant snakes indigenous to the Forty-Fourth Training Ground are encountered as an obstacle, Naruto in particular being eaten by one of them.
#Boa vs python syfy movie final fight series#
The Kyodaija are a race of giant, sentient snakes that live within the Ryuchi Cave sage region and can be summoned by shinobi that have made a contract with them, the most famous of which being one of the series Big Bads, Orochimaru. Dearia was barely the size of one of his master's scales. In Dragon Goes House-Hunting, it is revealed that Dearia used to apprentice under the Great Serpent, Jormungandr, who is the single largest creature ever introduced in the series. Berserk: The Snake Baron's Apostle form is a giant cobra with humanoid arms and legs, which can be seen wreaking havoc across Midland during the Golden Age Arc.